Our College strives for excellence in teaching and learning, helping all students grow in knowledge, wisdom and understanding.
We provide students with opportunities to develop their academic potential and to become reflective and self-directed learners with a willingness to engage in life-long and life-wide learning. Our College has earned a strong reputation for delivering a broad and inclusive curriculum relevant for our students unique gifts, talents and lived experiences so they can best contribute to the community when they leave our College and commence the next stage of their life's journey.
Learning to Learn.
Our Middle School Program allows our Year 7, 8 and 9 students to experience a wide range of subjects to give them the opportunity to discover their strengths and interests in preparation for their future studies and choices.
Our Senior School curriculum is enriching and challenging, offering our students the ability to explore different pathways depending on their future career aspirations.
We offer our senior students a choice of two pathways, either tertiary or employment to cover the students' diverse range of interests. Our students have the option to study ATAR or non-ATAR subjects. Our College also offers our students the option to complete Vocational Educational and Training.
We have a dedicated team of Careers and Pathways Officers who work with our students to ensure they are ready for life after school.
We believe our teachers are at the heart of delivering a quality Catholic education. Our teachers are dedicated, enthusiastic, skilled and caring professionals who love teaching and are passionate about fostering in their students a lifelong love of learning.
Our focus on reading and deep learning equips our students with the skills they need to succeed, no matter their desired pathway. Through strategic use of data and technology, teachers' work in the classroom supports all students' success.
We aim to provide learning enrichment opportunities for all students. They are encouraged and supported to achieve academic success in all levels. Our high academic achievers are challenged in extension programs and are offered a vast array of
extra-curricular activities including state-wide competitions.
I feel like I've been set up really well here at The Cathedral College. I know I have really firm foundations and I can do whatever I want to do after school.
- Ulaani, Year 12 Student
We believe learners develop and learn in different ways, at different rates and in a variety of contexts and at The Cathedral College, we are here to support our students on their journey and assist them to grow in the fullness of their potential.
We have a dedicated team of teachers in our Curriculum Support Centre who work with our students to ensure they feel supported to achieve success.
Through the fostering of relationships with industry leaders, employers and regional and metropolitan Universities, our College has built community wide connections to create future employment and high education opportunities for our students.