Religious Character
The Cathedral College, a Diocesan Catholic College for day and boarding students from Year 7-12, was opened in 1991. This was the fulfilment of a dream of Bishop Bernard Wallace (8th Bishop of Rockhampton) who was a passionate supporter of Catholic education.
Christ is at the centre of The Cathedral College Community and each member is invited to develop their relationship with Jesus, nurture their individual gifts and recognise and celebrate the giftedness of others. This is made real through the College Motto which invites each member to respond to Christ’s call to "Come, live life in all its fullness" (John 10:10) and through practice and promotion of the core values of gratitude, respect and compassion as lived by Christ.
Proximity to St Joseph’s Cathedral, the Principal Church of the Catholic Diocese of Rockhampton, is only one of the strong links that is significant in the relationship between the College and the Cathedral. The Cathedral is the focal point of all major Diocesan Liturgical celebrations as it is for Liturgical celebrations of the College. The College members also enjoy a close relationship with The Cathedral Parish of St Joseph, and join with the congregation and take responsibility for the ministries at a monthly Saturday night Mass and a weekly Thursday morning Mass. St Joseph, the protector of the Holy Family, is the patron saint of the College and signifies the importance of family to the College community.
The founding traditions of the College are those of the Sisters of Mercy who conducted the Range College for girls in Agnes Street Rockhampton from 1895 and the Christian Brothers who conducted St Joseph’s Christian Brothers’ College for boys from 1894 on the present site. Their traditions of help for the poor and needy and provision of education for all continue in the College today. One aspect of this tradition of service is the provision of boarding facilities for boys and girls from across Central Queensland and overseas who wish to access Catholic co-educational secondary education. The College creates an environment where the service of others is seen as an important element of College life and students participate in many outreach activities throughout the year.
The College has six Houses, each named after those who have had significant connections to the College. McAuley House is named in celebration of the life of the Venerable Catherine McAuley, the foundress of the Sisters of Mercy. Ryan House takes its name from the last Sister of Mercy Principal of the Range College, Sister Mary Andrina Ryan. Both of these Houses acknowledge the contribution of the Sisters of Mercy to the College. Rice House is named in honour of Blessed Edmund Rice, the founder of the Christian Brothers. Quinn House is named after the last Christian Brother Principal of St Joseph’s College, Brother Luke Quinn. Both of these Houses acknowledge the contribution of the Christian Brothers to the College. Glover House is named after Miss Margaret Glover, long serving teacher and Principal of Our Lady’s Primary School which was adjacent to the College. Wallace House bears the name of Bishop Bernard Wallace.
The two founding Colleges developed strong relationships with indigenous families from the local area. In the case of the Range College, this extended to families from Woorabinda since girls from there boarded over many years and eventually the Range established a branch school at Woorabinda that developed into Wadja Wadja High School now run by the community. Today The Cathedral College continues to build this strong relationship through partnership with the Woorabinda and wider indigenous communities in providing quality education and supporting the needs of First Nations peoples at the College.