A radiant sunflower against a stunning blue sky, a lady beetle feasting on a seed pod, and a puff of dandelion are the winning images in The Cathedral College’s Laudato Si’ Week Photography Competition.
Judges Miss Leesa Jeffcoat and Mrs Maria Greene from the Catholic Education office selected winners from a stunning array encapsulating the theme “Seeds of Hope”.
This is the third year the College’s Environmental Committee has run the popular competition as part of the Laudato Si’ Week celebrations responding to Pope Francis’ encyclical to care for our common home, the earth.
Miss Jeffcoat said the College’s photography competition had caught the attention of the Vatican.
“We were thrilled last year to be contacted by the Pope’s PR office wanting to find out more” she said.
“Somewhere over in the Vatican there is a story about The Cathedral College’s photography competition,” she said.
Environmental Committee coordinator Miss Alice Galea said it was so heartening to see so many students love nature and submit beautifully composed photos.
“We look for opportunities to explore the beauty and mystery of our world and nurture a deep sense of stewardship, that will positively impact behav
iour” she said.
“We’re very grateful for all the submissions which provided a beautiful photography exhibition for everyone to enjoy,” she said.
Congratulations to this year’s winners:
Junior Winner – Rori
Junior Runner Up – Rori
Junior Highly Commended – Riley (7), Dinara (9), Jake (9)
Senior Winner – Nyari
Senior Runner Up – Georgia
Senior Highly Commended – Olivia, Jane, Ella
Staff Winner – Mrs Wolfenden
Staff Runner Up – Mr Prince
Staff Highly Commended – Mrs Wolfenden