Everyone involved in this year’s TCC production gave their absolute all last weekend in the incredible performance that was “The School of Rock”. Weeks of sweat, tears and laughter was shared amongst the cast and crew as they worked with all their might to bring the fantastic musical to life on the stage of the Rockhampton Pilbeam Theatre.
Joyful laughter, appreciative whoops and outstanding applause was heard throughout all performances as the cast and crew continued to outdo themselves. A special congratulations to our Creative Team; Director and Assistant Director Celeste Hack and Daniel Hair for their remarkable patience and creative vision and Musical Director and Stage Manager, Stephanie Quinlan and Jacquie Baker for their superb lead and efficiency. The show would be nothing more than a thought without your determination and commitment towards the students of this school.
To the students, the astounding pride that was felt to see you all shine up on the stage was palpable. It was a performance that brought so much humour, joy and awe. Your own time, effort and talent amazed every single person who was lucky enough to experience a production that is sure to go down as one of TCC’s best!
Congratulations to all involved and may you all be proud to have been a part of something so incredible.